Меню KDT

Civil Defense Day

In order to organize safety in an emergency situation and as part of the World Civil Defense Day on March 1, training sessions "Fire evacuation" were held at KSU Dragomirovskaya School. During the lessons, the coherence and correctness of the actions of students and school staff in a certain emergency situation were worked out. As well as the teacher-organizer of the NWiTP Moiseenko A.S., training was conducted on the use of personal respiratory protection equipment (gas mask), as well as the dressing of the UGC. The actions of the public order protection units, the fire extinguishing unit and the sanitary post were worked out. All the links worked smoothly, the tasks were completed.
The World Civil Defense Day, established in 1990, is celebrated in the IOGO member countries in order to promote knowledge about civil defense and raise the prestige of national rescue services. The day of March 1 was not chosen by chance, it was on this day that the IOGO charter came into force, which was approved by 18 states, including Kazakhstan. World GO Day is held annually under a certain motto. The motto of 2024 is "The role of information technology in risk assessment".

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Просмотров: 9
Автор: b107skobilim
Сайт: dragomiro-tay.edu.kz
Добавлено: 01.03.2024 в 15:46