Меню KDT

"Journey through the city" - a tour of the memorable places of the city of Kostanay for the International Day for the Protection of Monuments and Historical Sites

On April 17, 2024, an employee of the Kostanay Regional Museum of Local Lore conducted an excursion "Journey through the city" to the memorable places of the city of Kostanay for the International Day for the Protection of Monuments and Historical Sites. The event was attended by students of the A.Baitursynov KRU. The tour route included historical architectural monuments: the Kostanay two-grade Russian-Kazakh school, the Passage of Merchants Yaushevs, the People's House, the Wall of Execution, the Men's 4-grade School. The guys, having plunged into the times of the past centuries, realized that the historical and cultural heritage is an invaluable and irreplaceable asset of the people of Kazakhstan.

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Просмотров: 67
Автор: orazali.haldybek
Сайт: kraeved-kst.kz
Добавлено: 26.07.2024 в 18:04